Three Training Myths and Tips

When you buy a dog, you’ll learn that training your puppy correctly is one of the best ways to produce a well-rounded adult dog.

This is why we want to share some tips for training your puppy. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about how to properly train, socialize, and care for puppies so we’re going to shed some light and debunk them!

Training Myth #1: Socialization and exposure are the same, so my puppy should meet 100 people in 100 days.

When you hear the term socialization, you should know its definition in the puppy world. It’s the positive and gradual, yet systematic exposure of your puppy to the world. When you buy a dog, this exposure is part of the joy of having a pet! Your puppy will learn all sorts of new things. This is not the same as taking your puppy along with you to the mall or to a music festival. Formulas that have been floating around such as “100 new people in 100 days” have good intentions but it really depends on the dog. Some shy puppies may not take well to this overexposure and the socialization will backfire. It’s not enough to just expose your puppy to new things – you’ve got to make it positive.

Training Myth #2: My puppy likes my dog at home so he’s socialized.

It’s true that overexposure can be a big problem, but the same can be said for underexposure. It’s a common myth about puppy socialization. Well-meaning pet parents want to protect their dogs from other dogs, whether its fear of diseases or a general protective fear – puppies don’t learn anything productive from this de-socialization. Just because your puppy is friendly and confident at home with your family or your pets, doesn’t mean your puppy is socialized. You’ve got to teach your puppy that there are great things and people outside of your home, too.

Training Myth #3: Crates are cruel.

Ah, the great crate debate! How often have you read or even heard that crates are bad for dogs? Well, we’re here to tell you that it’s false! As long as your dog is not left alone for an inhumane number of hours, the crate will be your friend. It’s one of the main items recommended when you buy a dog. They are an indispensable tool for potty training young puppies. It also provides a sense of security for dogs who have comfy crates. They’ll retreat and relax in there, which is ideal. Crate training is a process, and you’ll have to put in some work to get your dog comfortable, but the benefits of the hard work pay off.