The hardy West Highland White Terrier, more commonly known as the “Westie,” is known for its friendly, strong-willed personality and a remarkably bright white coat. Said to be “all terrier,” this breed possesses a large amount of spunk, determination, and devotion stuffed into a compact little body. The confident Westie excels in a variety of AKC events, from conformation to agility to obedience.
The West Highland White Terrier is said to originate from Poltalloch, Scotland, and due to this, was originally known as the Poltalloch Terrier. He was also sometimes referred to as the Roseneath Terrier, after the Duke of Argyll’s estate. The Westie was first shown in the United States in 1906 under the Roseneath name, but this was changed in 1909 and he has been known as the West Highland White Terrier ever since.
The Westie loves people and makes an affectionate addition to any family. This devoted, happy, and faithful dog also makes a wonderful travel companion due to its small size. Their dry coats are a combination of a soft dense undercoat and a rough outer coat. Daily brushing and regular clipping or stripping of the coat are necessary.
- Terrier Group; AKC recognized in 1908.
- Ideal height is 10 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder.
- Vermin hunter, family companion.
- Apartment is ok.
- Very active indoors.
- Daily moderate exercise.
- Regular brushing.
- Periodic professional grooming recommended.
- Little to no shedding.